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President's Message

 We are the Maintenance Superintendents Association (MSA) of the Inland Empire/Desert Chapter. I am pleased to welcome all interested parties to our organization. Each of the Board members are committed to the success and education of all MSA members. We are here to support you. 

Our values and integrity are displayed through our professionalism, knowledge, dedication and commitment to the agencies and businesses we serve. We provide this through an effective network system for municipal managers, supervisors, and vendors as we meet regularly to communicate, educate, while providing pertinent information to all members. 

The Inland Empire/Desert Chapter typically meets the fourth Thursday monthly, with a focus to present an educational topic for the benefit of those in attendance. Each meeting, vendor members have an opportunity to promote their represented companies with a brief “Vendor on a Soapbox” presentation. The Chapter also hosts an Administrative Professional Appreciation Day, a Golf Tournament, and a Vendor Appreciation Day. 

Our goal is to educate and provide support to all chapter members. Our Chapter continually sponsors and subsidizes classes and workshops to provide essential training that is available to all members. We are committed to promote knowledge, efficiencies, safe working environments and awareness pertaining to functions of public works. 

We distribute educational scholarships available to qualifying students attending educational institutions, majoring in public works; with a goal to promote career advancement in the Public Works field of opportunities. Educational scholarship applications are due in April and funds are awarded to qualifying applicants during the June general membership meeting. 

This Chapter also sponsors a training and trade show where vendor members have an opportunity to display equipment, tools, and materials available for use in public services. The training and trade show also hosts educational, and training workshops focused on general maintenance service workers. The Annual Golf Tournament is held during June with all proceeds going to our educational scholarship fund. We invite all golfing members to participate with a day of relaxation, fun, competition and camaraderie, which benefits a great cause. 

In closing, I am honored and fortunate to be a part of this organization. I have gained lasting professional relationships, and more importantly, gained a network of information, and a means of education and training. 


Kortney Burke

Chapter President

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